Construction Updates

After 7 years we have finally achieved our goal of making the Baxter Arts Centre accessible to all!
If you’ve been following along, you know that this journey has had a number of ups and downs. The age of our building, combined with the slope it’s built on and the earth that covered shaky foundations required a thoughtful design beyond what should have been a simple ramp. After crafting a beautiful design and securing funding for the entire project, the pandemic hit - effectively doubling the cost of construction materials. Additional unforeseen complications arose, and our Board worked diligently to rework the project and raise funds so that our ramp could be complete, allowing all of our community access to the building for the first time since we opened the centre.
This gorgeous new ramp is finally completed. It is beautifully designed with buckthorn stone and pavers. Not only is it sturdy and practical, it will act as a gathering space. With the addition of a seating area, we can’t wait to see kids eating their lunches during camp and watching people gather to watch the night parade from this optimal viewing space!
Our deepest gratitude goes out to all of our sponsors and supporters.
The Federal Government of Canada – Enabling Accessibility Fund. Who gave more than we asked for.
Parrot Foundation
Who have been incredibly generous and supportive during this adventure.
Huff Family Fund
For their continual help, support & belief in what we do.
Design and Construction
VTLA Studio
Victoria Taylor and her team for their stunning and thoughtful design, as well as assistance with permits and approvals! They took so much care with this project and we are grateful for all their passion and effort.
Always Built Wright
David Wright and his team for making the VTLA design come to life, and to David, for his incredible generosity.
Dibbits Landscaping Supply
Who provided the building materials at a generous price and stored them till we were finally ready.
Base 31
Donated plant material.
A Special Heartfelt Thanks to
Larry Spencer
Larry is a founding member of the Baxter Arts Centre, past President and Board Member who dedicated so much time and care to ensuring this project could continue. He took on many grant requests, worked with engineers and managed an ever shrinking budget. He took on each setback with grace, strength & determination.
Our Community
The completion of Phase 1 of this project is a testament to the kindness and generosity of our community and the deep fondness people have for the Baxter Arts Centre.
Now on to Phase 2!
We are now focused on the Accessible Entryway which is estimated at $25,000.
Donations for this phase will be gratefully received! Please see the link below.
With thanks and gratitude
From the Board of the Baxter Arts Centre